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Zitat: McDonald Hugh, Bey Niki, Duin Laurens, et al: Certification of Carbon Removals - Part 2 A review of carbon removal certification mechanisms and methodologies Wien, 2021 Reports, Band 0796 ISBN: 978-3-99004-620-3 162 S.

Geographische Abdeckung/Lage Europa
Zeitliche Ausdehnung (Anfang) Dezember 1, 2021, 01:00 (MEZ)
Aktualisierungszyklus nicht geplant
Datenqualität/Herkunft Bericht
Bezeichnung der Metadatenstruktur OGD Austria Metadata 2.4
Sprache des Metadatensatzes ger
Character Set Code des Metadatensatzes utf8
Titel und Beschreibung Englisch Certification of Carbon Removals - Part 2. The European Commission is developing a certification mechanism for nature-based (NBS) and technology-based carbon removal solutions (TBS). To support its development, this report reviews existing carbon removal certification mechanisms and methodologies. By documenting different approaches to key mechanism design issues, the report identifies and evaluates a range of options for the EU certification mechanism, supporting the development of a robust and effective system to incentivise uptake of carbon removals within Europe.The report also summarises key conclusions related to evaluation of NBS and TBS methodologies as a crucial base for the environmental integrity.This report is published alongside a second, related report, “Certification of carbon removals - Part 1: Synoptic review of carbon removal solutions”.
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