Datenverantwortliche Stelle Umweltbundesamt GmbH / Biologische Vielfalt und Naturschutz
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Veröffentlichende Stelle Umweltbundesamt GmbH
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Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Datenquelle: Umweltbundesamt GmbH

Weiterführende Metadaten - Link

Class-Values 1 - Buildings 2 - Other constructed areas 3 - Permanent Soil 4 - Scree 5 - Bare Rock 6 - Surface Water 7 – Snow 8 – Ice 9 – Trees 9-1 – Deciduous trees 9-2 – Mixed trees 9-2 – Coniferous trees 10 – Bushes 11- Dwarf shrubs 12 – Herbaceous vegetation 12-1 – Herbaceous permanent 12-1-1 – Herbaceous permanent – low productivity 12-1-2 – Herbaceous permanent – high productivity 12-2 – Herbaceous periodic 13 – Reeds 14 – Shadows

Geographische Abdeckung/Lage Österreich
Geographische Ausdehnung WGS84: POLYGON (17.16639 49.01875 9.53357 46.40749)
Zeitliche Ausdehnung (Anfang) Januar 1, 2015, 01:00 (MEZ)
Datenqualität/Herkunft Purely fully automated pixel-based approach using machine learning algorithms. Detailed sampling strategy as input to machine learning was developed.The classification was based on the usage of time series metrics on bio-physical indices and spectral bands. Thereby the challenging step was to produce a large, single land cover classification over the whole Austrian territory which is consistent over all Sentinel-2 tiles. Hence, it was obligatory to apply the same classification algorithm to all related Sentinel-2 tiles while maintaining the accuracy of a classifier that was specifically trained for a certain region.However some of the classes could not be distinguished solely by the classifier and further post-processing steps were necessary. No Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) was applied to the majority of the output classes. Only for the class reeds which covers minor parts of the AoI it was decided to use an MMU in order to reduce small patches of misclassifications along rivers
Bezeichnung der Metadatenstruktur OGD Austria Metadata 2.4
Sprache des Metadatensatzes ger
Character Set Code des Metadatensatzes utf8
Titel und Beschreibung Englisch Sentinel-2 land cover Austria 2016
Eindeutiger Identifikator 97327f91-93b7-4dbb-94a4-008a09f45d77
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