

Open Data principles

1. Completeness

Records published by the administration are as complete as possible. They represent the full scope of what is documented on a particular topic. Metadata describing and explaining the raw data is also provided along with formulas and explanations for calculating the data. This allows users to understand the direction of the available information and explore each data element with the greatest level of detail possible. Privacy, security, or access restrictions must be reviewed prior to publication. Personal data is generally excluded from publication.

2. Primary source

The data are collected and published by the administration at their origin. This is done with the highest possible degree of fineness, not in aggregated or otherwise modified formats.

3. Timely provisioning

Records published by the Administration shall be available to the public within a reasonable time and as current as possible. They are published as soon as they are collected and compiled. Data that is available in real time can be accessed directly via an application programming interface (API).

4. Easy access

Data sets published by the administration are accessible as easily and barrier-free as possible. Physical hurdles (for example, the need to visit a particular office in person or the requirement to comply with certain procedures) should be avoided, as should technical hurdles (for example, access to data only through completed input screens or systems that require browser-oriented technologies such as Flash, JavaScript, cookies, or Java applets).

5. Machine readable

Data is stored in established file formats that are easily machine-readable, enabling automated, structured processing. The use of different file formats is recommended. Additionally, if other factors require the use of difficult-to-machine formats, the data should be available in machine-friendly formats. Files should be accompanied by documentation that refers to the format and how it can be used in relation to the data.

6. Freedom from discrimination

Any person can access the data at any time without having to identify themselves or provide justification for their actions.

7. Use of open standards

The formats in which the administration publishes data are, as far as possible, open standards over which no legal entity has sole control. In doing so, the administration is guided by standards developed by bodies such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), or by conventions of the Austrian Bund-Länder-Städte-Gemeinden (BLSG).

8. Licensing

The administration publishes open administrative data under the license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). To this end, the administrative unit must clarify copyright, patent and trademark issues in advance.

9. Documentation (durability)

Information published by the administration is extensively documented with metadata and can be found over time. Once information is posted online, it is provided with appropriate version control and permanently archived.

10. Utilization costs

By specifying the use of the license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), the charging of usage fees is currently not foreseen.

In the white paper of Cooperation OGD Austria (version 1.2.0/08.11.2016) of Cooperation OGD Austria you can learn more about the principles.


2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: ein wesentliches Open Data-Prinzip besagt, dass keine Daten veröffentlicht werden dürfen, die einen Rückschluß auf einzelne natürliche Personen zulassen. Ein ähnliches Prinzip zum Schutz persönlicher Daten wird auf bei Teilen-Buttons für Social-Media-Netzwerke verfolgt: da diese Teilen-Buttons allein beim Laden bereits Daten übermitteln, bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit der Selbstbestimmung - Sie können selbst entscheiden, ob ein Teilen-Button aktiviert werden soll oder nicht.