BMSPGK: Updates on Corona vaccination data sets.
On 11/22/2022, there was a change on the dashboard for Corona vaccination and the associated csv files.
In addition to general changes to column and file names, the number of vaccinations received per person is mapped as “vaccination_x” instead of “dose_x”. In the future, counting will end at the 4th dose as “vaccination_4+”, so only vaccinations 1, 2, 3 and 4+ will be reported.
The following four files will be discontinued as of 12/15/2022:
- COVID19_vaccination_according_to_recommendation.csv
- COVID19_vaccination_doses_timeline_v202206.csv
- COVID19_vaccination_doses_agegroups_v202206.csv
- COVID19_vaccination_municipalities_v202206.csv
As of 11/22/2022, the following records are available:
- COVID19_vaccination_timeline_v202210.csv
- COVID19_vaccination_agegroups_v202210.csv
- COVID19_vaccination_municipalities_v202210.csv
Structurally, the COVID19_vaccination_municipalities_v202210.csv file also omits the vaccination coverage rates. Instead of these, the following parameters will be used on the dashboard in the future:
- Vaccination series completed (= 2nd vaccination)
- Basic immunization (= 3rd vaccination)
- received at least one booster vaccination (= 4.+ vaccination)
The allocation to region and age groups in the publications is done on a per-person basis, as before. COVID19_vaccination_municipalities_v202210.csv, on the other hand, represents the number of vaccinations administered on the respective date.
In addition, a further category “All” is introduced for regional allocation. This now contains all entries with and without residence assignment. The category “Austria” contains only all entries with residence assignment. Generally, the groups “NotAssigned” and “NonBinary” are combined in the supergroup “other”.
In the future, the information on the vaccination dashboard will be calculated by the umbrella organization of the social insurance institutions using the quarterly updated population figures from Statistics Austria. Previously, population figures could only be updated annually by the Ministry of Health. The changeover thus enables a more up-to-date presentation of vaccination events. As a result, there may be shifts in numbers due to the inclusion of registered but deceased persons and the quarterly updating of population data. This leads to an improvement in quality.
Publication of the new data sets continues on and the Corona Immunization Dashboard.
Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Section I – Presidential Affairs, Support Functions, IT
Department 1 – Communication and Public Relations
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