

The Future of Open Government Data: Insights from D-A-CH-LI Meeting and Vienna Data Excellence Workshop


The recent OGD D-A-CH-LI Cooperation meeting and workshop at the Data Excellence Conference in Vienna from April 19-21, 2023 provided a platform for the exchange of expertise and ideas in the field of Open Government Data (OGD). Representatives from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein discussed various aspects of Open Data and presented their ongoing projects and experiences.

The focus was on topics such as the quality of metadata, the future of OGD portals, the implementation of open-by-default rules, and the use of Data Spaces. Current developments and upcoming events were also presented, including a three-country Open Data Hackathon.

The detailed event report, which gives a deeper insight into the topics covered and the discussions, can be downloaded here: Nachlese Meeting OGDDACHLI 202304_Wien (PDF).


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