Message of greeting from the Austrian President Van der Bellen on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and we are very pleased that Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen has also sent a video message to mark the occasion:
An interactive timeline of the developments of the first years of Open Data in Austria can also be found on the info page“Development of Opendata“, details on the mentioned cooperation of stakeholders in the framework of Cooperation OGD Austria on the related information page.
As part of the video series“25 Years of BRZ“, Robert Seyfriedsberger (Team Leader for Business Intelligence, Big Data & Opendata/ and Michael Reichart (Product Manager, who have been with since the beginning, also provide information about the last 10 years and give an outlook into the future:
“However, the journey does not end there”: due to new legal framework conditions such as the IWG/Information Reuse Act updated this year or the announced Freedom of Information Act, there will still be a lot to do in the future.
In order to be able to cope with the upcoming challenges, the BRZ is also looking for concrete personnel reinforcement. Unsolicited applications are also welcome.
In any case, we look forward to the next 10 successful years!
The team
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