

Open Parliament – Open Data: Parliament’s new open data offering


On January 12, 2023, not only did the historic parliament building open its doors, but the new web portal also went online – as a digital parliament at with an intuitive structure and modern design.

In the course of this, the Open Data offering was significantly expanded:

Licensing update

Licensed data is offered under CC BY 4.0 instead of CC BY 3.0 AT. For a listing of all licensed datasets, visit and

Structured data in JSON format

All detail pages (for example, about items, people, or sessions) are available in JSON format through the URL addition “?json=true”. All information published on these pages is thus available in a structured way.

In addition, the result lists of the filter searches (e.g. at were supplemented with further data. For the results of independent applications, the date of receipt and the IDs of the submitting persons are also displayed.

Easy access

The new JSON API builds on the filter searches of the graphical web interface. This offers several advantages:

Better documentation

Visit for a detailed technical and content description of the API and all licensed datasets.

Cooperation with the University of Vienna

The path from obtaining data to analysis and visualization is illustrated by application examples( created in collaboration with the Institute of Government and the Visualization and Data Analysis research group. This practical guide will make it easier for interested parties to get started working with the data offering. The initial showcases can also be found in the application directory on

Retrospect and outlook

The crowdsourcing process launched in April 2021 has provided important input for the further development of Parliament’s Open Data offering. Many thanks to all participants! The results can be found at Open Parliament – Open Data (

Many things – such as data provision via JSON or updating the license – were already implemented with the GoLive of the new website. However, the open data offering will continue to be expanded regularly in the future as part of the “Digital Parliament” project.

For questions and suggestions, please contact the Parliament at!


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2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: ein wesentliches Open Data-Prinzip besagt, dass keine Daten veröffentlicht werden dürfen, die einen Rückschluß auf einzelne natürliche Personen zulassen. Ein ähnliches Prinzip zum Schutz persönlicher Daten wird auf bei Teilen-Buttons für Social-Media-Netzwerke verfolgt: da diese Teilen-Buttons allein beim Laden bereits Daten übermitteln, bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit der Selbstbestimmung - Sie können selbst entscheiden, ob ein Teilen-Button aktiviert werden soll oder nicht.