Open Data Days – Events March 2023
In early March 2023, the Open Data Days will take place with a data walk and an Open Data Expo.
Open Data Expo “Experience and Understand Data
On the occasion of the international Open Data Day 2023, the FH Technikum Wien and the Vienna Business Agency invite you to the 2nd Open Data Expo on March 2, 2023. This year’s motto is again “Experience and understand data”. Numerous applications and projects based on publicly available data will be presented, and interactive workshops will be held.
This event is also intended to give school classes the opportunity to get in touch with experts, learn about current Open Data projects and attend interactive workshops. Classes with 17-/18-year-old students* are invited to attend.
Event Details
- Date: Thursday, March 2, 2023, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Location: FH Technikum Wien, 20th, Höchstädtplatz 6
- Target group:
- Public administration (open data officers, digital officers, data stewards, data experts, public relations staff)
- Technology developers, SMEs/start-ups
- 17-/18 year old students
- Students
- Journalists
- All interested persons
Highlight: Workshop Chat GPT and Open Data
Chat GPT and artificial intelligence is currently on everyone’s lips. But what’s behind the hype? How could AI technology be meaningfully used in conjunction with Open Data in the future?
Sindre Wimberger, service designer and botfather of WienBot, the virtual assistant of the city of Vienna, will introduce this complex and exciting topic in this workshop and present current use cases from the city.
- Start: 1 pm
- Location: FH Technikum Wien, EDP room
- Speaker: Sindre Wimberger, City of Vienna – Press and Information Service (MA 53)
Afternoon data walk
The stops on the walk, entitled “Data above and below ground,” are still being determined. The stations are based on the 2022 data walk.
Event Details
- Date: Friday, March 3, 2023, tentatively 1 to 2:30 p.m.
- Starting point: City Archaeology, 1st, Michaelerplatz
- Endpoint: Parliament Austria (renovated parliament building on the Ring)
- Registration: Online registration is required in advance for access to the Parliament building. The link will be announced in time.
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2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: ein wesentliches Open Data-Prinzip besagt, dass keine Daten veröffentlicht werden dürfen, die einen Rückschluß auf einzelne natürliche Personen zulassen. Ein ähnliches Prinzip zum Schutz persönlicher Daten wird auf bei Teilen-Buttons für Social-Media-Netzwerke verfolgt: da diese Teilen-Buttons allein beim Laden bereits Daten übermitteln, bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit der Selbstbestimmung - Sie können selbst entscheiden, ob ein Teilen-Button aktiviert werden soll oder nicht.